Episode 36: The 1st Step to Creating Online Professional Development


So, you’ve just got thrown a curveball of a lifetime, just a few months ago. We've all had to relearn our jobs, and figure out how to do everything in a new way. Now, all of our associations have ways that they've been doing things since probably the beginning of when they were established. But now, we're in a whole new world. And if you want your association to continue to flourish, you're going to have to start doing things in a new way. New doesn't always mean scary. Just like you've been adjusting to your new style of teaching. 

And the focus should not be entirely about the platform. It's not necessarily bells and whistles here. It's not about special coding. You can have as many bells and whistles in your programs as you want. You can have as much special coding by a developer as you want. But if that is what you're looking at as the most important piece, then you are missing the mark. The thing to be focused on are your people.

With that in mind,I have some really good nuggets of information that are going to help bring your teaching and your association to the next level. This will take you step by step in this scientific approach to teaching online that I've been using to engage people.  This webinar slide deck targets every kind of learner so that they can cut through the distractions that are going on around their house and focus on what they need to learn. This will help them gather the information and actually get it into their brain, you know that there are multiple kinds of learners.

Do you need an effective way to get your information from your head and your mouth to the students? Don’t worry you can have FREE access to my awesome guide to creating an engaging online teaching experience!

Just click below.

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