Episode 35. Remote O&M Lesson Plan Ideas for Early Elementary Students


The truth of the matter is that you can plan your lesson plans, all you want, they can be as detailed as you want them to be but when your students are not physically with you, things can be a little bit more difficult. The goal is to keep your lessons and lesson plans exciting enough that your students can tune out all of the distractions of their lives and actually pay attention and learn from you.

The biggest thing that I've noticed time and time again, no matter who I'm talking to, or the experiences that I'm going through, when we have really, really dull presentations, and we do them online, or we do them in a capacity where we aren't there, that relationship that we have with our students really only takes us so far. 

So today, I'm going to share with you a few really fun Remote O&M Lesson Plan Ideas for Early Elementary Students that I've been using within my own home, and that I'm also seeing other O&M specialists say that they are using:

  1. Home Scavenger Hunt - Our student’s top level academic skills come after the foundation. And the foundation is their sensory skill. They are your body orientation, skills, orientation around your house. This time of remote learning is a fantastic time to do a deep clean of your students mental and emotional well being, and really help them and their parents decrease their learned helplessness.

  2. Texture-related activities. - What you can do indoors is to put down a rug and this your student can practice cane skills by practicing shorelining trailing, or just telling the difference between the texture. This is something that you can do during your class, you can have the parents set up the computer or a phone, or whatever online platform you're using, in a way that you can see the student move and you can give the student feedback.

  3. Upper and lower body protective technique - Free dance party! That's right. Row on some music, have a dance party! You can have the student practice upper and lower body protective technique.

  4. Create experience stories - Experience stories allow your students to relive an experience that they went through, and it also helps to facilitate their literacy. You’d want them not just learning, learning to read, but like learning to read in a really fun way. You’d want them actually doing more than one skill at a time because our work time for them is so limited as a working professional.

  5. Cooking show - Cool, good. Now for a full on cooking show. You'll need the parents complete involvement. As the teacher you can create the recipe card, you can deliver it to the parent, you can mail it to the parent. The cool thing about things like this is that you can incorporate so many skills within this and it's a fun activity. 

We have had such a decentralized approach to this whole thing that we really need to come together on the ground level so that way, we can just be the best for our students. Because I don't think that virtual learning is going away forever. And it looks like schools and the education system are going to be changed and affected for the long haul. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. It just means that we get to continue to learn and grow. We can just stay excited about teaching in this distance format, which we've been doing. We're not with our students for all 6000 some odd waking hours of their lives are with them.One out of those 6000 per week and we can keep making a significant impact in our students lives.

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A lady on the stairs holding a cane

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