Teaching students with Visual Impairment in Japan with Katie Ericson

Welcome back to the podcast my friend! I'm so glad that you are here. We are sitting down with Katie Ericson who has such a unique and interesting perspective on TVI and O&M because she has a very interesting journey that she went on that is different than most other people that I know. Katie most recently worked as an itinerant TSBVI Comms with military connected students in the Pacific region. And she is currently a PhD student in Special Education at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.

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Things I wish I knew as a first year teacher

Welcome back to the podcast. I think I love this topic so much, because as a first year teacher, you're kind of looking up at this mountain, right, and you see all these other people so much higher than you and they're doing so many amazing things. I mean, I still feel that way, whether in the now it has nothing to do with how much time somebody has been in the field, just what they're doing with their time. But especially as a first year teacher when everybody's been doing this for longer than you have.

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Utilizing a transdisciplinary model to serve students with visual impairments in Croatia with Martina Sedlar and Hrvoje Gudlin

Today I get to bring you along for a conversation with Martina and Hrvoje who live in Croatia. They work for a center called Mali Dom where they both have different roles, but work seamlessly together for the students in a transdisciplinary model. And it's really really working for them. We get to take a peek behind the scenes of who they are as people and the exact actions that they take to make their students’ lives better.

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Fall back in love with being a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments/ Orientation and Mobility

Today's episode is going to be a little bit of a personal episode. A lot of times I come on here and I share steps to whatever A B C or three ideas for lesson plans or something of that nature. And sometimes we do have conversations with other people. But this one is really going to be personal. Because I'm taking you a little bit behind the scenes of my personal life to bring these anecdotes to you as I've been really looking at myself, who I am, and I've had some time to reflect on teaching in and of itself in general.

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