What Does Self-Care Look Like for Orientation and Mobility Specialists

woman wearing a straw hat, she has red hair and wearing a multi color dress. She is looking up into clear blue sky holding the brim of her hat.

In the United States it is now summer. For a lot of us this means we are spending more time outside. It also means that it's time for us to relax our brain and not think so much about our students.   Now that we are on break, it’s time to relax and rejuvenate.  Take this time to care for yourself and sustain these habits each day so they may continue into the school year. Soon enough it will be upon us! This will give you energy and propel you to be better able to care for your students. We have asked our wonderful community to help us out with some ideas for the best on-the-go lunches, the best walking shoes, and the best sunscreen for you. 

What are the Best On-The-Go-Lunches for Orientation and Mobility Specialists?

Our community of Orientation and Mobility Specialists shared some great suggestions for on-the-go-lunches.  You can prepackage these at the start of your week or pick-up comparable selections in the deli area at your local grocery store. Check out these great options for on-the-go lunches because we all know we are eating in our car and we do not need to walk into an IEP meeting with food stains on our shirts….. I've never done that before. 😉

  • Mini Babybel cheese

  • Assortment of cut up vegetables (such as bell peppers, cucumbers)

  • Fruits: apples, bananas, berries

  • Flavored quinoa from Aldi

  • Turkey and cheese roll ups

  • Lean protein shake

What are the Best Walking Shoes for Orientation and Mobility Specialists?

Our community had some great walking shoe suggestions for Orientation and Mobility Specialists. They recommended Merrill’s, Clark's, Dansko’s and flats with arch supports. I love me a good flip flop, but these choices are much better! They will provide comfort, flexibility and some style to help keep you motivated.

self care for orientation and mobility specialist close up of person wearing brown shoes in jeans.jpg

Which are the Best Sunscreens for Orientation and Mobility Specialists?

As Orientation and Mobility Specialists we spend a lot of time traveling in our cars, walking outside with our students or on the way to visit students. Those minutes add up to a lot of exposure, therefore it's really important we protect our skin. Our community shared preferences that you can find on Amazon such as Beautycounter and La Roche. Another option is Aveeno, which you can find at your local department or pharmacy store . 

How are you going to take care of yourself this summer? Are you going to use one of the ideas from our community or are you going to go rogue and try something else? Let me in know by leaving a comment and we will all practice our self-care this whole summer!

Here is a video summary of what self-care looks like for Orientation and Mobility Specialists:

Self-Care for Orientation and Mobility Specialists, picture includes wicker basket containing sunscreen bottles sitting on top of tan cushion with red pillows in the background