Episode 29: The 3 Things You Need for a Profitable Online Event


Have you always wanted to have your own profitable online event? But you have very limited experience with marketing? And don’t have a degree in business as well? 

Fear not my friends, because today, I am opening up the curtains so that I can show you a little bit of behind the scenes of how we've been able to create a very successful, complete business basically, out of nowhere!

In this episode, we'll get into the three components that you need for a profitable online event that draw people to online events,and then we'll get into a little bit of the biggest component of that can make a huge difference.

Innovative and impactful strategies. These are going to be the presentations that you offer, and they need to do a couple things. First and foremost, they need to not sell to your participants, your participants, whether they paid or other people paid for them. They're coming for an experience for them to learn. And if you have too many people selling whether the product is for free or not for free, it can feel like they're walking into a real life commercial. 

Up-to-date topics.  Whatever profession you are in, things can literally change at the drop of a hat.. So you always need to stay on top of things, making sure your topics are relevant and current, otherwise, it will not be of use at all to your audience.

Efficient delivery method. Delivery method isn't just about being online. Anybody can bring anything online, as you have well seen recently. But it's how you go about supporting your people. Making your content, your product as easily accessible and digestible for them, therefore efficient. 

So I really think that having community driven experiences is the way to actually impact your community. Listen to what they want, have them involved, ask them their opinions. You can just start with a simple Facebook post that has a question and people may or may not answer it at first and that's okay. But as long as what you're doing is starting a conversation and not just getting up on stage because you have a platform just to say stuff.

You're already winning!

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