Episode 19: Finding Your Specific Area Of Expertise


In this episode, we're gonna talk specifically to those O&M specialists who kind of feel like you're still trying to tread water. 

If you're still trying to figure out: 

  • Where you fit in all this? 

  • If you're still trying to figure out what would you present on?

  • How would you share your message? 

  • What message do you have to share? 

If you're in the range, zero to 10 years of experience, or if you have a lot of experience, but you've just been really shy about presenting or sharing your information in any form, then this episode is for you. I think that this conversation can be kind of fun, but I think it's also going to be kind of uncomfortable. And I'm going to share with you some of my past failures, and use myself as an example of what it's looked like for me.

We are not the heroes in this story. YOU are.

By stacking each of these traits, you will become the most impactful O&M specialist, that you can be. Join me in this podcast and let me hear your thoughts!

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A lady on the stairs holding a cane

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