Episode 69. How Inspirational O&M Specialists Both Pivoted in Their Careers to Create Greater Impact with Becky Keller & Jimmy Morris

Welcome back my friends! We all know that our community of Orientation and Mobility Specialists is a quirky bunch. Imagine having a partner who’s also in the same field as you. Does that sound like a dream?

Well today, I am so excited to introduce Becky Keller and Jimmy Morris, who are both in the field of Orientation and Mobility, to you guys! They definitely belong to those couples who you would not mind being a third wheel most of the time because of how knowledgeable they both are. Becky is currently the Lead Orientation and Mobility Instructor for the Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Jimmy is currently working as an Orientation and Mobility Itinerant Instructor for the Virginia Department of the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Both Becky and Jimmy are amazing people which you will get to know more in this podcast. You will also get to know their story about how they pivoted their careers to be where they are now. Last but not least, are you curious to find out what both of them talk about, while working in the same field, on the dinner table?

Well, I am! So head on to the podcast now to find out!

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